ROSE – Reflective online search education

The Reflective Online Search Education (ROSE) project investigates how students’ individual skills and strategies to search for information on the internet can be fostered. The focus hereby is on the development, testing, and evaluation of a formative assessment with process feedback and reflective aspects to systematically foster online information search competences of learners during lessons.

ROSE Fullsize

With the ROSE project, we explore how students search for online information and how they can be supported during this process. For this purpose, the project has three phases:

  • Phase 1. In cooperation with teachers, we will develop an online intervention platform (i.e. the ROSE platform). With this platform, it will be possible to visualize the search processes of learners as well as to give immediate feedback about their information search competences.
  • Phase 2. The developed ROSE platform will be applied during lessons to assess its effectiveness. For this purpose, students will be asked to solve various information search tasks.
  • Phase 3. During the last phase of the project, the ROSE platform will be made available to teachers. Here, we want to learn more about how teachers make use of the ROSE intervention during their lessons.

Find out more about ROSE here.

The ROSE study has started on May 1st, 2024. Currently, we are searching for interested teachers in NRW as well as in Switzerland who would be willing to help us during the development of the ROSE intervention platform (Phase 1). If you are interested, please send us an e-mail.

  • Project team SUPSI-DFA: Luca Botturi, Petra Mazzoni, Elena Battipede
  • Project team SUPSI-DTI: Silvia Giordano, Omran Ayoub, Mirna Saad
  • Project team PH Schwyz: Martin Hermida
  • Project team IFeL: Per Bergamin, Martin Hlosta

Funding: Third-party funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the German Research Foundation (DFG)

  • Duration: 05/24 – 05/27